You're probably wondering why I've been so quiet. The reason for my month of silence can be summed up in 5 words: Lia Magic Wand G-spot Vibrator. This 6.5-inch piece of silicone has changed my life. I kid you not, last Saturday I didn't get out of bed until after 5pm, and when I did it was only to replenish electrolytes so I could make it through my next session which started at 9pm. This pink rod of ecstasy has been my best friend and lover for the past month, until last night.
I've become better friends with the 23 year-old DJ over the past month. Apres the BlackBerry sex, we never ended up hooking up for real, instead we kinda became friends. Problem is, I was sitting at my office yesterday minding my own beeswax and he e-mailed me. The e-mail itself was a harmless, dumb-ass picture of Borat. Although it was clear that this guy didn't understand women in the slightest, that wasn't the problem. The problem was, when I saw his name pop up in my Outlook, my stomach flipped. Fuck. I realized I'm obviously starting to like this guy. Jesus Christ. After 30 seconds of daydreaming about how this ridiculous age gap worked out for Demi and Ashton and would surely be the same for us, it was imperative that I stop the mere stomach flip from escalating into another full-fledged, five alarm cougar attack. I immediately grabbed my phone and scrolled through to find a number of contestants suitable to distract me long enough to get over my DJ crush. After a few minutes I had it down to two finalists that I had let fall into the wings over the past few weeks...lucky them.
One of my two finalists lives in Switzerland ...he's a pilot and has a huge crush on me - harmless, but distracting - good. The other is a vertically-challenged hottie I met a couple of months ago at a wine tasting. He's an executive chef at the restaurant that was hosting the event, and he's cute as a button...and he's 29, which is "mature" in Nice Girl years. My Swiss pilot entertained me for the last 2 hours I was supposedly "working." I somehow even managed to convince him to try and quit smoking. (See? I am capable of good things). When my Swissie had to go to sleep, I started texting the chef. He was very responsive and we chatted all evening, and after 2 (10) glasses of wine, he asked me to hang out. I summoned him over to my place and we drank copious amounts of wine and made sweet love to each other until 3am. Then we woke up at 7am and did it again. Nice. I'm not gonna lie, after he left this morning I quickly re-acquainted myself with Lia, just in case she felt left out after last night's real-cock antics. We both felt much better. Five minutes after the chef left, something strange happened. He started texting me again.
All day today he has been having an ongoing conversation with me and keeps referring to our next "date." Huh. I have so many questions. Was last night a date? Does this guy actually like me? Is everything my mother said about putting out on the first date a lie? Was all this Nice Girl crap a complete waste of time? Do I even like this guy? Is it mean to ask your fiancee to stand on a milk crate while you exchange vows?
I hope to have the answers to at least some of these questions very soon. Stay tuned.